Saturday, November 23, 2013

Dom Sherwood Records a New Song ''Song for a friend''

Youtube link Here


Message for Michael Preger(Producer) About the Process of VAmovie

~Okay so you can see below what Michael Preger Has to say about the process of the film: 

"Ok people, let’s all take a deep breath and catch up on a few things. It’s been awhile since I’ve reached out to the fans directly, and was hoping to get in a few words about what’s been happening and where things are going from here.

NEW VA Character Still

~It seems that everything works perfectly fine! As we get this awesome Still with Zoey Deutch( Rose), Lucy Fry( Lissa), Dominic Sherwood(Christian), Cameron Monaghan( Mason), Sarah Hyland( Natalie) and of course Danila Kozlovsky( Dimitri). We particularly love this one cause it shows all the intensity of the film! Even Rose&Lissa holding hands, Dimitri being all badass and silent, Christian looking creepy, Natalie looking geeky and Mason seemed the good guy we all waited to see. This Film will be amazing, we promise you that!

@VAOfficialMovie: ''Are there better fans than VA Fans? Hint: no. RT if you’re the top VA Fan!''