Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Dom Interview with Shine On Media, talking about VA

Posted by @ShineOnMedia

 Some ScreenCaps and Photos at Knott's Scary Farm VIP

New Interview of Claire Foy ( Sonya Karp) with Red Carpet News TV, Talking about VA

Claire Foy mentions VA movie as one of the projects she had this summer
 ''I play absolutely insane Sonya Karp who is a teacher''
 ''It is just great and the script is being adapted so well''
''Dan Waters who's written it, theres already too much humor in the books, its really hilarious, in a really dry and clever way, doesnt patronize the audience, in any way''
''You are drawn into the life's girls, you automatically see what they like, straight whats happening in their lives.''
Posted by @RedCarpetNewsTV

New Picture posted on Gush Tumblr

Sami Gayle featuring Mia Renaldi
Photo posted by @dhampirlife 

Check also the full tumblr page that Weinstein had set up for VA movie. Gush