Saturday, October 26, 2013

Sarah Hyland's Interview with Fangirlish during the VAset

Fangirlish has promised to give us an interview every Friday of our beloved cast. And they kept their promise starting with Sarah Hyland!

''We are bringing you what you what you have been waiting for – interviews from the set of Vampire Academy. And guys – we’re starting this week with Sarah Hyland. Adore her. Let’s get straight to it – here’s the interview. Enjoy!''~ Fangirlsh

What was the casting process like for VA?
 I’d gotten the script and I thought this was really cool and it’s a vampire film, and the character Natalie is pretty awesome with the way things turn out for her. So I Skyped with the casting director, and we put myself on tape through Skype and I thought this was weird because of the noise and the quality was just not good at all. So then Mark wanted to Skype with me, he was in London and I was filming ‘Bonnie & Clyde’, and I had someone from production come and help me set up a camera and she read with me while Mark observed and that was it. I didn’t read with anybody and there was no audition in person.

 For the few people in the world who don’t know about Vampire Academy could you explain how your character fits into it?
 My character is Natalie Dashkov, she is Victor Dashkov’s looney geeky crazy gossip loving daughter, so when Lissa and Rose escaped the Academy and are brought back they befriend her because they want to stay off the social network and clearly Natalie is not a part of that. So they befriend her, and that’s all I can really say.

What’s the scene that you’ve read in the book that you’re most excited to film? 
 I’ve already filmed the scenes that I was most looking forward to filming, but I can’t talk about that I’m sorry.

 Your character sounds a lot different from what you’re usually playing, but just how are they different?
 Natalie is very spastic, and geeky and just socially awkward and clearly Hayley (Modern Family) is none of those things. It was fun I found a lot of things to bring to Hayley, certain twitches that she has and just small character things that I don’t think anyone will notice but I had such a fun time with a character that Richelle has brilliantly thought up.

Read More of Sarah's Interview with Fangirlish HERE 

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