Monday, August 11, 2014

The Giver Promo Tour with Cameron Monaghan


HitFlix ''Whether his Giver Character is Likeable''

Young Hollywood Discussing The Giver and More!

What initially drew you to this project?
Initially I hadn’t read the book yet so it was just the announcement of Jeff Bridges and Meryl Streep doing this really amazing project directed by Phillip Noyce, who is a director that I already admired and so I had my original audition, but then I went and I read the book as well. And that’s when I began getting really, really interested in the book and also the script was really good. But yeah it’s this beautiful story about humanity and what it means to be human and pain and love and these emotions and it was a really beautiful story, something I wanted to do.
Now your character was different than the book to movie. Did you like the changes or how did you feel about them?
Yeah, so you know obviously the book is pretty short and when it was adapted into a feature length film some of those things were expanded on, and one of those things was Asher. So Asher starts in a very similar place as he does in the book where he is a goofball, little bit of an outsider. He kind of doesn’t fit in perfectly with society and naturally gets reprimanded a little bit for it. But in the film, as Jonas starts being opposed to the community, the totalitarian society, Asher kind of becomes an implement of it. And so he acts as a foil to Jonas’s character and acts in an opposite way.
He kind of redeems himself a little bit in the film.
He does. Spoiler alert! Actually no what’s funny though is that wasn’t the initial plan. Initially, Asher intends purely to kill Jonas and just fails in doing so. But in our version he intends to kind of save him and is redeemed in some way.
Memories obviously play an important role in the film. What was one of your favorite memories from the set, either funny or just something you took away?
Well what is funny one of the main themes in the movie is how music is one of those defining characteristics of humanity in the beauty of human existence. And we had a very musical cast. And so Jeff Bridges had his guitar, and Brenton plays, I play, and we all kind of sang or someone would play piano like Nick or one of our writers is a good pianist. And so we would all kind of have these jam sessions together. That was definitely some of my favorite memories.
Did you get to enjoy South Africa? Did you get to do any extra curricular things there?
Yeah I tried to explore as much as possible and tried to see some of the neighboring townships and also just see some of the really spectacularly varied landscapes around there. There’s mountain, there’s beach, desert, sand dunes… pretty much everything you can imagine all surrounding this one town, Cape Town. So I went out and went four wheeling, I went sand boarding, that was really cool. A bunch of people went shark diving. Just trying to adventure as much as possible.
Read More at Young Hollywood 

ALSO Check out Photos Of Cameron From The Giver Press Conference from August 2nd 

~Sources 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17

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