Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Our Vampire Academy Movie Review

 Hey y' all! I'm @RosalieBaker9 from twitter and i'm also an admin on Vampire Academy Cyrprus! Last night i went to the Greek Vampire Academy Avant Premiere in Greece along with other lucky fans like me who had won advanced tickets for the movie (Special Thanks to Feelgood for organizing this amazing event!) 

Without doubt i can say it was the best night of my life! 

  I arrived at "Athineon" theater a little bit late than they told me to go (missing lots of goodies form the event including some awesome red vampire drinks FML!) and immediately went grabbed a seat at the back of the theater (Did i mentioned the theater was full? No? Okay) 

  Anyway, I'm pretty sure you don't care about my 'experience'  or if i ate pop corn or nachos or if i cried or not -which i did. You want to know about the movie. 

I have one thing to say about the movie: "AMAZING" 

 Surely the movie had it's flaws and everything and they ended up cutting LOTS of scenes including (the scene in which Kirova and Dimitri speak Russian, the flashback of the party, one scene of Romitri training outside and many more.) but overall the movie was great and stayed very true to the book. Definitely one of the best book to movie adaptations. If only they hadn’t cut out so many scenes! Oh and all the added scenes were amazing!

  My favorite scenes were: All the training scenes with Dimitri and Rose, the lust charm scene (I cried in this one) the security center scene with Natalie (BADASS!), the last scene with Rose and Dimitri (I cried in this one too) and the last scene of the movie!

 Now comes the Spoiler Alert! If you don’t want to be spoiled don’t to the Spoily Review on and jump to the next paragraph about the actors and characters! Keep Reading the End with the Rating of the Film!


Zoey as Rose: The PERFECT Rose Hathaway!!!! Enough said.

Danila as Dimitri: He’ll bring tears in your eyes and make you melt! He IS Dimitri Belikov! And he is the number one guardian and now he doesn’t know how being a second class guardian feels! And he is just so hot. And soo Rusian! And so cute –in a bad ass way!

Lucy as Lissa: She gave “Life” to Lissa. I never really much cared about Lissa in the book but Lucy made me love Lissa!!!

Dom as Christian: He is my favorite bad boy <3 Need I say more? Dominic is knew at acting but he is so talented just so hot erm- I mean talented! But now he really is. Talanted! And Hot!

Rose- Dimitri: The whole theater was screaming and crying during their scenes together! <3 I love them so much together! Their last scene has killed me and I can’t wait to see them in the next movies!!!

Lissa- Christian: My second OTP! My cutie pies! The way Christian cares about Lissa is so fricking cute!! And their lips… oh my! Ah, god love ya! (See what I did there? No? okay!)

Rose – Lissa: The relationship between the two of them was definitely the stand out of the film. Lissa can’t live without Rose and Rose can’t live without Lissa simple as that. And if you haven’t read the spoiler review here’s a small –tiny spoiler of Lissa herself about Rose “I wish all of you had a Rose Hathaway” Need I say more?

ANYWAY, overall I think all the actors and relationship between them were great! More than great! Joel surprised me the most as Queen Tatiana! I loved her and I loved Olga as Kirova, Claire as Sonya Karp and Sarah Hyland as Natalie –definitely the stand out of the movie. After Zoey of course!


So the movie starts of with the car crash accident –While M.I.A’s Bad girls is playing. Then Rose waked up, realizing Lissa is having a nightmare and wakes her up. Then the feeding happens. After that Rose sees from outside her window guardians and both she and Lissa leave the house. Then she does some pretty bad ass stuff and also kick their asses. But then Dimitri shows up and well you know what happens, he takes them back to St Vladimirs! The next scene is a scene with all of them in a car and it’s when Dimitri realizes the bond between Lissa And Rose. Then they reach St. Vladimir’s and a Strigoi attack happens but the guardians takes them all down.  Also is Rose’s first encounter with a strigoi. After that the cafeteria scenes takes place even though this one is in the courtyard of St Vlads. Then Dimitri takes them to Kirova’s office and Lissa uses compulsion to for the first time –which is kind of weird transferred to the big screen but… I don’t know. So after these scenes I don’t exactly remember the order but I remember a few scenes. So spare with me lol! Alright so there’s a scene with Lissa that goes to drink water and Mia being the bitch she is, uses magic and splashes water to her. Rose’s first training scene with Mason and other novices is exactly like the book. Rose’s first training lesson with Dimitri was fricking amazing!!! This was my favorite training scene with them because of Dimitri and his muscles and also hanging from that thing in the air…ajhsjdkdjskjdk feels!!! Lissa’s and Christian’s first meeting was cuteeee and they made Christian seem like the bad guy –even though we all know he is not. Natalie was simply hilarious and she also had a crush on Ryan (Ralf) and she kept making this comments about Ryan being her “first”. Well at the end she killed him to become Strigoi. Something that they changed from the book to movie cause we all know she kills Mr. Naggy. But no in the movie she kills Ryan. So bye bye Ryan. You will NOT be missed! Also something else that they changed from the book to movie is that Rose finds a CD of Mrs. Karp “confessions” before she turned herself Strigoi and convinced Kirova to give her the CD with Mrs. Karp 6 day footage –in which we see how she turned into strigoi. OH A HUGE SPOILER NOW: The last shot of the movie is Strigoi Karp with an army of strigois at a cave and one of them asks “When” and she answers “Soon.” And that’s kind of how the movie ends. I LOVED THAT PART! Huge cliffhanger! Oh another thing they changed is kind of Lissa’s character. You can definitely tell she is starting to go crazy while using magic to be popular. ANOTHER HUGE SPOILER: Lissa is having a nightmare of Christian turning strigoi and a strigoi attack happening at St Vladimir’s and Rose is trying to fight all of them but Christian turns Lissa into strigoi and that’s kind of how the nightmare ends. Oh also in that scene Christian “Kills” Dimitri something that made my heart ache – you all know why. Anyway Rose is really starting to worry about Lissa but she doesn’t understands it. Also along with the fox, Lissa’s cat Oscar dies. Poor Kitten! Rose’s ankle accident happens and it’s freaking disgusting! Then they all go shopping which really isn’t a big of a deal. Then it’s the dance and all the Romitri eye sex. Then the whole fight with Mia happens, Mason, Ryan, Jesse and Rose have a “chat” and Rose says to Ryan to dance with Natalie and that’s his last scene in the movie. After Rose punches Mia, Alberta takes her to Kirova and Rose sees that Lissa has been kidnapped but stupid Kirova doesn’t believe her so Rose puts a sedative in her ass lol. Then the lust charm scene happens which was too small for my liking :P Then Lissa is being tortured and after a while the guardians arrive and KICK ASS! Lissa escapes but runs into psi hounds and an helicopter comes, then a guys with costume tries to kidnap her but Rose kicks his ass. Victor shows up and shoots Christian and then points the gun at Rose but Lissa steps up. Then Lissa and Rose have a fight over who is gonna get shot which was just hilarious! Thankfully Alberta and Dimitri arrive and hold down Victor –May I say that Dimitri has just won an epic fight with that asshat spiridon and yes he doesn’t know how being a #2 guardian feels because he is Dimitri fucking Belikov- but he tells the psi hounds to kill Lissa and Rose but Christian sets them on fire. Then Lissa feeds from Rose so she can heal him and they all passed out.  They go back to Academy and Rose apologizes to Kirova for “syringing” her and then she and Dimitri talk about the lust charm scene and Dimitri says he doesn’t have feelings for Rose (BULLSHIT!) Rose goes to see Victor and he tells her all about her being a shadow kiss and then Natalie attacks (AND SHE IS FREAKING BADASS AND EVERYTHING) and Both Dimitri and Rose kill her (Dimitri stakes her, Rose holds her). After that Rose, Lissa and Christian meet at the library to talk about St. Vladimir’s and then Lissa gives the whole “Blood” speech and says the cutest thing ever “I wished you all had a Rose Hathaway in you side” And Rose cries and so do I!!! (Oh and if you are wondering yes The Queen humiliates Lissa before the scene with Natalie licking the wall lol) Then Rose goes to Dimitri and tells him she know that he lied about his feelings (and apparently Dimitri in the movie is 28!?) And then Dimitri confesses his love for her and it is so cute and Rose “cries” and tells him to kiss her without any lust charms in the way and he goes to kiss her but she catches him by surprise by “back flipping” him (something they both during the movie to keep their bodies in shape…pff right) but then kisses him on the cheek and leaves and runs into the shadow kiss Raven. And that fly away and then we get a wide shot of St. Vladimir’s and the woods and a cave in which is Mrs. Karp and her army of strigoi. The movie ends with the shot of all the strigoi inside the cave and Mrs. Karp saying “Soon.”

I’m giving Vampire Academy a 7.9/10 because the movie was very fast paced and they cut out lots of scenes and lines –which I understand of course! If they hadn’t cut out so many scenes and lines the movie would be simply amazing! The movie was pretty true to the book. I’ll rate it as a 8/10!

Anyway, I hope you guys liked this post! If you have any questions don’t hesitate (see what I did there? ) and send them to me either on Twitter or Tumblr. HERE or HERE.


God love ya’ (see what I did there? No? WHY???) 

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